Why did I receive a check from AFP?

If you do not know who AFP is - and are not expecting a check from us, then this is likely a fraudulent check.  Checks issued on an account ending in 3141 or 3274 are fraudulent.

One possible scam is that you are selling something, and a purchaser sends you a fraudulent check for higher than your selling price.  The purchaser asks you to just send a check for the difference, and before your bank can determine that the purchaser's check is fraudulent - you've already sent the purchaser your check.  The purchaser doesn’t even care about the item you are selling - but you may not want to ship it until you have verified funds.

Another scam is a donation for a charity - by the time you issue a donation receipt, you wouldn’t know the donated check was fraudulent. 

Recently we've heard scams targeting individuals who are applying for a work-from-home position and the check is to purchase equipment.  Don't be fooled by attempts to make this scam appear legitimate because the fraudster spent money to send you a fake check by expedited delivery.

Any check not legitimately issued by AFP will be rejected by AFP’s bank through our fraud protection services, likely resulting in returned check fees from your depository institution.

If it seems too good to be true, it likely is a scam.