How to register for an upcoming webinar?

You will need to register through AFP first, then register through Zoom second.

Register through AFP

To view an upcoming webinar click here

You should see upcoming webinars and can click the tile for the one you are interested in.

You can click Learn More to see further details and the n click the Register Now button at the bottom. 

If a fee is involved, then you will need to log in to determine member or non-member pricing.

Scroll down and check the product under Event Fees.

Then click Add to Cart

You will see a display of the item in your shopping cart.

If you received a discount code from your organization, you may enter it here. If not, click the check-out button to continue.

Enter payment information if applicable and click continue

Submit Order

You will receive an AFP confirmation email for your purchase that includes a link for the webinar sign in through Zoom. 

Register through Zoom

After you have purchased access to the event through AFP, you must complete your Zoom sign-in requiring your name and email by clicking the webinar sign in link through Zoom.

After completing the form, you will receive a Zoom confirmation email with the login details.

Download the ICS, Google or Yahoo file, included in your Zoom confirmation and save to your calendar. 

If you do not register through Zoom, then you will not receive a reminder email on the day of the event.